Our lecture series and support group is open to anyone in Lancaster and the surrounding area. Sponsored by HARTZ Physical Therapy & CrushPD Fitness. We are specialists in and have a passion for the treatment and exercise programs that make a difference in the lives of people with Parkinson’s in our community.
This support group offers fun, encouragement, lively discussions, learning and a community for those living with Parkinson’s Disease, their caregivers, family and friends. We hope you will join us!
Monthly meetings will generally take place on the first Wednesday of the month, but please check the schedule below for confirmation or follow us on Facebook.
Our Mission:
There is power in working together and strength in numbers. CrushPD Fitness and HARTZ Physical Therapy partnered with each other to offer the Lancaster County Parkinson’s community a one-two punch with the best in preventative care, hope and support. Our teams have a passion for Parkinson’s research and consistently stay up to date on the newest therapies and exercises to treat our patients and clients. It is this mutual passion that launched our partnership to work together in support of the needs of the Lancaster Parkinson’s community.
We want to help you understand your body, your health and that daily exercise and regular physical
therapy is as important as changing the oil in your car. We are also here to introduce you to other professionals who are experts in their field, as well as other people with Parkinson’s Disease who are always willing to share their journey. There is life outside of Parkinson’s disease. If you or a loved one is suffering from Parkinson’s, allow us to be part of your journey. We will help you fight to regain control of your life.

Would you like to be on our mailing list?
Wednesday, October 2nd from 4:00 - 5:00 pm @HARTZ PT
Care and Share
Wednesday, November 6th from 4:00 - 5:00 pm @ HARTZ PT
Jill M Giordano Farmer, DO, Director, PD and Movement Disorder Program Department of Neurology Global Neuroscience Institute. The science & management of PD and learn about GOCOVRI.
Wednesday, December 4th from 4:00 - 5:00 pm @CrushPD Fitness
Annual Christmas Party
If you or a loved one is struggling with the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease and you have questions regarding how physical therapy can help call HARTZ Physical Therapy’s please reach out to:
Greta Meyers, DPT at our Lancaster West Office at 717.735.8880 to schedule an appointment or with Beth Kauffman, MPT, GCS at our Lancaster East Office at 717.396. 7766 to schedule an appointment.
To inquire about exercise programs at CrushPD Fitness please call Sue Ludwig at 717.271.3067