Improving Balance


Injury Prevention

DSC_0012 As we age, our balance isn’t what it once was. Balance is considered an automatic reflex; however, muscles may become weak or inflexible, limiting the automatic reflex capability. When balance becomes a daily concern, it is our tendency as humans to limit movement in an effort to minimize the chance of a fall. Unfortunately, this limited movement only weakens the muscles further.

The silver lining? It was found that with practice, almost anyone can achieve better balance. With stronger legs and more flexible ankles, falls can be prevented (and a person can also catch themselves from falling).

There are several at-home exercises you can do to help improve your balance. While we recommend consulting a physical therapist first to help assess where your strength/flexibility is most needed, these exercises are also a great place to begin.

First, try standing on one foot. If you find you wobble, this is the practice for you! With time, balancing on one foot will increase your strength and help you become more in tune with your body.

Another beginner’s balance practice is to sit on a balance ball. While keeping both feet flat on the floor, engage your abdominal muscles. This exercise will help you become more aware of your abdominal muscles and posture while also relying on your legs to assist you in remaining grounded.

Questions about your balance issues? We’re just a call away.