TMJ Disorder and Jaw Pain

Reduce Pain & Improve Jaw Mobility

Do you suffer from popping or clicking of your jaw when eating? Do you wake up with jaw pain in the middle of the night? How about aching pain in or around the ear? If you suffer from any of these symptoms you may be experiencing Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD). Between 5 – 12% of adults in the US suffer from ongoing or sporadic jaw pain. TMJ disorders are twice as common in women as men and is most often diagnosed in individuals aged 20 to 40 years.

Sometimes incorrectly referred to as simply “TMJ,” which is the name of the joint itself. TMD causes a range of problems from poor posture, chronic jaw clenching, and poor teeth alignment, to fracture or conditions such as lockjaw, where the muscles around the jaw spasm and reduce the ability of the mouth to open.

TMJ pain can be exacerbated by:

  • Stress or physical exertion
  • Bruxism:   the habitual or involuntary grinding of teeth,
  • Working conditions including prolonged sitting and extensive telephone use
  • Improper support while sleeping causing mal-alignment
  • Eating chewy or crunchy foods.

Physical therapy is one of the most effective treatments for TMJ dysfunction and jaw pain and PT’s can help patients with these symptoms ease pain, regain normal jaw movement, and lessen daily stress on the jaw.  The focus of physical therapy for temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) is relaxation, stretching, and releasing tight muscles and scar tissue. Physical therapy is an especially important part of recovery from TM joint surgery, as it helps minimize scar tissue formation and muscle tightness.

Our Services:

HARTZ Physical Therapy has the only Certified Cervical & Temporomandibular Therapist (CCTT) and Craniofacial Pain (CFP) physical therapist in Lancaster county who is able to evaluate jaw position, cervical spine alignment, range of motion, abnormalities in your jaw motion, as well as provide muscular assessments, and conduct an oral behaviors checklist.

How PT can help:

  • Pain or tenderness in the jaw
  • Restricted jaw movement
  • Clicking, grating or grinding when jaw moves
  • Jaw locking
  • Alignment of Spinal Column
  • Decreasing Muscle Tightness in the Chewing Muscles
  • Discoordination of the jaw when chewing or talking
  • Tension headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Tinnitus
  • Teeth or neck pain

Treatment may include:

  • Massage therapy & soft tissue release to the muscles of your jaw, face, neck or shoulders for increased relaxation and decreased inflammation.
  • Joint mobilization to help move the jaw into the proper position and alignment.
  • Learning postural control techniques to correct any slouch and scapular stability exercises to increase muscle strength and improve shoulder joint function.
  • Exercises to correct jaw misalignment and restore pain free jaw motion.

Patrick Jones, DPT, is a Certified Cervical & Temporomandibular Therapist (CCTT) and Craniofacial Pain (CFP) physical therapist who specializes in the treatment of temporomandibular joint disorder. New patients can be scheduled within 24-48 hours and you can schedule a FREE phone consultation to find out more about how physical therapy can help with jaw pain and TMJ disorders.   For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact our office at 717-735-8880.  You may email Patrick at